edit: I can't find the link anymore, but it has something to do with the "-uplay_steam_mode" command line option.
_Nite_ I had this same exact issue when I acctivated far cry 3 on my steam account too, thier is a link somewhere with a work around on how to fix it let me see if I can find it. Yeah, it seems like some type of double redundancy for which I have no answer. I'm sure this will get figured out eventually, and I've spent a good deal of time on it so far, but it's kind of like a detective adventure. Hopefully Ubi will learn from the GFW mess and remove their own layer of DRM from games.
Games that have this many layers of DRM on top of the Steam DRM aren't really worth trying to install or run.

Killmur And this is why I avoid ANY Ubi game when looking at games at Amazon Digital or GameFly Digital. I did see a loophole for Third-Party Steam Support, as concerning Key activation, so I'll give that a shot. Third-Party Support posts links to the third-party vendors. I was looking at Steam Support and they have Valve Game Support and Third-Party Support. Thanks to srtie4K I was able to recheck my Key# and I did write it down correctly. , but definitely try to get help from Steam first since you bought it through them and try what srtie4K suggested. Aka_STEVE_b Just be forewarned - UBISOFT support is horrible, ( not that steam is much better ) UBI practically asks for your 1st born child along wayy too much info to get any help from them.